In a project conceived and directed by Nouveau Classical Project’s Artistic Director Sugar Vendil, the ensemble joins forces with choreographer Barbie Diewald and composer Trevor Gureckis in Potential Energies, a hybrid work for ten musicians and dancers that breaks barriers between music and movement. Acting as two sides to a single identity, individual musician and dancer pairs explore the struggle to reconcile bright-eyed ambitions with reality through physical interaction and interference. A result of twelve emerging artists collaborating over the course of eleven months, Potential Energies is a daring undertaking by artists who not only created this work but also lived it. The sold-out world premiere took place May 29, 2014 at BAM Fisher (Fishman Space).
The Nouveau Classical Project: Laura Cocks, flute / Mara Mayer, clarinet / Marina Kifferstein, violin / Kivie Cahn-Lipman, cello / Sugar Vendil, piano
TrioDance Collective: Allison Beler, Colleen Hoelscher, Cara Mcgaughey, Susan Philipp, Christina Soto
Click here to visit the Project’s Page: Potential Energies — The Nouveau Classical Project