Eighteen Refrains re:Rhoda

Choreographer and Performer :: 


“Eighteen Refrains re: Rhoda” parses out one voice from Virginia Woolf’s 1929 experimental novel The Waves. Attending to Woolf’s prosody, syntax, and formal structure, the dance is animated by the novel without directly resembling it. During a month-long fellowship at the Bogliasco Center in Liguria, Italy, I inventoried every action and object that appeared in the sections narrated by the character Rhoda. The movement material for the dance was build in response to that data.

“Eighteen Refrains re: Rhoda” was funded, in part, by the New England Foundation for the Arts’ New England Dance Fund and was supported by a Bogliasco Fellowship.

Performances and Residencies

Bogliasco Center (Liguria, Italy)
Merce Cunningham Foundation Chance Procedures Workshop Showing (City Center Studios, NYC)
Jacob’s Pillow Inside/Out
HUT at the School for Contemporary Dance and Thought (Northampton, MA)
Pioneer Valley Ballet guest Artists at the Pittsfield Museum
New Dance Alliance Performance Mix Festival (University Settlement, NYC)


MAYDANCE at the School for Contemporary Dance and Thought

Inside/Out at Jacob’s Pillow Community Day
